Mestenhauser and the Possibilities of International Education

A NEW BOOK in Routledge focusing the work of Josef Mestenhauser (1925–2015) through a series of provocative essays by Hanneke Teekens, Hans de Wit, Darla Deardoff, Eva Janebová and others across the globe examine Mestenhauser’s influence on their understanding and practice of international education, the relevance of his work today, the transferability of his ideas across contexts, and current interpretations of the field. This book addresses the theoretical foundations of the field of international education and the implications for practice and strategy. It considers key concepts and poses questions for discussion that make Mestenhauser’s work accessible to new readers. The book is edited by University of Minnesota colleagues Gayla Marty, Anne M. D’Angelo, and Mary Katherine O’Brien and can be ordered on Routledge.


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